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Regulator punishes Ontario for the Premier’s bad behaviour
December 6, 2018
TORONTO — Green Party of Ontario Leader and Guelph MPP, Mike Schreiner, released the following statement on the failed Avista deal with Hydro One:
“Premier Ford’s reckless behaviour hits people in the pocketbook again. This time to the tune of a $103 million fee and the rejection of a $6.7 billion deal.
This is what happens when the Premier governs with bumper sticker slogans. It might work in an election to rile up the base, but it’s a poor substitute for real leadership.
The rampant allegations of political interference are coming back to bite the Ford government.
No one can blame US regulators for having doubts about a business deal that would leave a major utility vulnerable to political meddling.
And when you consider Ford’s record of ripping up contracts and denying compensation for emission credits, it’s no wonder businesses don’t want to deal with the Ford government.
I was never a fan of the Avista deal.
But it is never good to have a regulator punish Ontario for the Premier’s bad behaviour.”