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Toronto, ON – Concerned about the devastating impacts of pipeline oil spills, Green Party supporters joined Mike Schreiner and hundreds of community members in a rally to say no to Line 9.
“Ontario residents are clearly concerned about the negative effects of Enbridge’s pipeline proposal on our communities,” said Schreiner, leader of the GPO. “Now it’s time for the politicians at Queen’s Park to take a stand against it.”
Schreiner is the only provincial party leader to participate in the National Energy Board hearings, submitting comments to the proceedings this summer. The GPO is the only party to take a strong stand against the pipeline proposal.
Schreiner has called on the Premier to speak out against Enbridge’s proposal to ship dirty oil through Ontario.
“We need Premier Wynne to do more than raise concerns. We need her to stand up for Ontario and speak out against this pipeline proposal like BC Premier Christy Clark took a stand against Northern Gateway,” says Schreiner. “The people of Ontario are clearly concerned about the threats posed by dirty oil being shipped through our communities and under our waterways.”
The GPO is particularly concerned that Enbridge wants to ship diluted bitumen (dilbit) through a 38-year-old pipeline not designed to handle such corrosive material. Ontario’s Environmental Commissioner has raised alarms about the challenges of cleaning up dilbit spills. And many municipalities, including the city of Toronto, have called Enbridge’s Line 9B emergency plans “pretty slim.”
“This 40 year old pipeline runs through important wetlands, under lakes and rivers, and major residential areas – including Toronto,” says Mark Daye, GPO candidate in Toronto Centre. “I know in Michigan the costs of the pipeline spill there have been enormous, not only in terms of the billion dollars it cost to clean, but on the health of community members and the environment. I don’t want to see that happen here.”
Enbridge’s Line 9 runs between Sarnia and Montreal under every major river in Southern Ontario, as well as under prime farmland, sensitive ecosystems and populated urban areas.
“The Premier needs to stand with First Nations, municipalities, community and environmental groups ringing alarm bells over Line 9,” adds Schreiner. “This pipeline proposal is all risk with no rewards for Ontario.”